
Indonesian Hero

Here is one of my custom toys made from *Munny V4 (7")* for Munny World Competition a few month ago. 

The idea comes from Gatot Kaca (Flying Knight), is a character in the Mahābhārata epic and the son of Bhima and the giantess Hidimbi (sister of Hidimba). His maternal parentage made him half-Rakshasa (giant), and gave him many magical powers that made him an important fighter in the Kurukshetra war, the climax of the epic.

i'm using Clay, Marker, Spray paint, some linen, Batik and acrylic paint.


0102.90.92 i love beer more than i love you

Me and my beer buddy miss Anwar from Ismaya Group and Mr. Lemi the space wanderer from Thunder Panda just hang around to some cool places yesterday night started at Bellagio kuningan for evening coffee break, i forget about the coffee shop name but it's a cool place to hang around, it had a cozy sofa, working air conditioning, friendly staff, hi speed wi-fi, and hell yeah you are allowed to smoke indoor :D

We are supposed to meet with miss Anwar's BF at Domain- Senayan City for the launch of Aerial7 Headphones, but instead of going there, we move to get some food at Pizza ebirra - Setiabudi. they have the Best Pizza in town, alot to choose from and don't forget to try their classic fries Chilli Con Carne, it was a fries from Heaven. i took a pic of it, but i already finished my half (i share it with Lemi).

And don't forget about their Happy Hour start from 21.00 to Close and check out their famous flavored beers. Happy Hour Beer = PRICELESS.

Mr. Lemi got pretty tipsy last night for taking a bucket of Carlsberg Beer by himself ^^

 So, after a late dinner at Pizza ebirra, we move to Puro - City Plaza at Wisma Mulia to get some more beers. Last night they are having some kind of Pop Disco event. I bet the DJ rock the house or may i call it "He disco the club". I'm not really into whatever he play, but the music goes along with the fashion show. It looks a bit like cute alien from outer space and closed it with gothic alien stuff = weird but awesome show.

And that's all about priceless wednesday night folks, cheers


My 1st design for "Damn! I Love Indonesia" T-shirt Competition

   S'up folks...Now, here is my design to Show Off My Heritage for Damn! I Love Indonesia T-Shirt design competition. It's a Chinese Barongsai Head or you may know it as Lion Dance.

It's a traditional dance in Chinese culture, in which performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume. The lion dance is often mistaken as dragon dance. An easy way to tell the difference is that a lion is operated by two people, while a dragon needs many people. Also, in a lion dance, the performers' faces are covered, since they are inside the lion. In a dragon dance, the performers can be seen since the dragon is held upon poles. Basic lion dance fundamental movements can be found in most Chinese martial arts.

 Hit this link to vote for my design http://www.damniloveindonesia.com/design/detail/item/95 or you may click my design pic to link you to voting page.

Damn! I Love Indonesia "SHOW OFF YOUR HERITAGE"

     Sedikit info tentang peraturan kompetisi design ini… Pemenang design terbaik yang akan memenangkan Nokia E72 akan dipilih oleh Juri. Dan Pemenang Favourit (pilihan dari user2 lain) akan mendapatkan hadiah Cash dan Voucher.

Temanya adalah: SHOW OFF YOUR HERITAGE!! Pamerkan tempat asal lo.. Berbanggalah dengan suku original lo.. Jadi kalo elo berasal dari ambon, ambil satu budaya ambon yang lo banggain banget, dan design se modern dan sekeren mungkin.

Show your PATRIOTISM with your DESIGN!

Pose paling keren akan ngedapetin hadiah cash dan voucher belanja di Damn I love Indonesia.jadi yang belum punya accessories atau merchandise Damn! I love Indonesia, silahkan menyambangi toko terdekat dari anda @ FX Mall (6th Fl.) atau GI (East Mall - Levelone).

Syaratnya gampang:
1. Pake baju Damn I love Indonesia
2. Foto dengan gaya keren, gokil dan imut… Terserah dah!
3. Email-in foto kamu ke kita…
Jangan lupa kasih tau kita lokasi foto kamu yah.

PATRIOTISM never look this good


666 aka. El Diablo Jr.

     Once upon a time there is a kid named 666 or you may call him Junior, but unfortunately he had a mean father named El Diablo. one day Sr. ZAP him with his super power fart machine and sent the Jr. to earth with a broken Angklung, bad ass Base ball bat and some paper crane bird to be his guidance so he can learn some bad ass shit from human.

To be continue...

Munny World Festival Indonesia #MWFI

In less than 24 hours, MUNNY WORLD FESTIVAL INDONESIA will rule Jakarta.. well, mostly Grand Indonesia. Make sure you are there to experience the world of custom toys. As well all know MWFI will features Plastic Culture very own Resident Artist Eric Wirjanta (Thunderpanda), Brian Harsanto (Breeanz) and a late comer, Win Satrya. MWFI will also showcases customs on Mega Munny that stands more than 18 inches tall. There will be two Mega Munny custom done by Sylvi Francis (world class fine art artist) and Chris Lee (from the comic strips of G.I. Joe).

They don’t just stop there, They are also flying Andy and Phuek over from Singapore to Jakarta. Andy is worldwide top toys and pop culture blogger and Phu, creator of P77 is a top customizer in the world of designer toys. With both of these guys around, MWFI just gets better!

Not forgetting, local acts, Abell Octovan (creator of BarkinGun), Arno Fauize from House of Icons, Marine Ramdhani from My Tummy Toys, Silvia Tampi (winner of Munny Contest 2009), Surya Sunburn from Sunburn Co., and Brotz will join the fun. All of them will be showcasing their Munny as a part of Artist Series Munny Exhibition.

All of these artist will be present through out Munny World Festival Indonesia. Each artists will also showcase their talents during the Meet/Greet with Artist session during MWFI. Feel free to bring in a blank notepad, a little canvas, or better yet… grab a blank munny and kindly ask them to doodle them for you, then you can be proud and keep them as your very own custom munny.

Twenty million rupiahs, that is $2000, – in cash and prizes can be won through out MWFI. For all you visitors of MWFI, make sure you pick out their flyer and be judge for FAN FAVORITE category and win a special prize from Plastic Culture a long the way.

Here are the list of winning category that can be won at MWFI:
Munny World Custom Competition Grand Champion
Munny World Custom Competition Runner Up
Munny World Custom Competition Second Runner Up
Best Skin-To-Skin Custom Design
Best Customized Accesories
Most Creative Design
Most Innovative Design
Under 14 Mini Munny World Competition Winner
On-The-Spot Munny World Challenge Winner
On-The-Spot Munny World Challenge Runner Up
Munny V4 Custom Competition Winner
Favorite Munny
Here are some sneak peak submission for MWFI competition:

So gear up people, and let's all get munnyfied! Hope to see you this weekend at Plastic Culture, Grand Indonesia (Levelone).


i got mini LEMI plush, do you?

s'up people?this is my first blog, and i don't really know what to do with it. i gotta keep practicing on my english and how to blog. practice make perfect right...

the green mini LEMI is limited to 50 pcs only, pink Lemi @100pcs, and the blue one @150pcs.
You can get that @plastic_culture (The Other Culture) at FX (Lv.6) or Grand Indonesia (lv.1), and  Dunny 2010 are in the house aswell.

the Mini Plush will officially launched on Eric Wirjanata aka. @robocadaver aka. Lemi designer exhibition opening and he will also do signing and maybe doing free sketches.
And after that, the gank will travel around the world again. To Singapore and New York, and hopefully to London and Barcelona also.

Be there to check the show guys, his art work is super awesome
"Neighborhood" art show by @robocadaver • open 3Sept•19.00 @plastic_culture •levelone•grand indo showing until 9sept• http://bit.ly/ajlawf
